Candidate Nomination Form for Board Election

Are you considering running for the Board of Directors? This form is available for owners who wish to be on the Board. If you are dedicated to attending meetings regularly and making sound decisions for the Association’s improvement, you may fill out this candidate nomination form and submit it. Please be aware that as a candidate, it is your responsibility to carefully review the Association’s governing documents to ensure that you meet the requirements and are willing to contribute the necessary time to serve on the Board.

We encourage individuals with a vested interest in assuming the position to consider nominating themselves. However, if you are considering nominating someone else, we kindly request that you confirm their willingness to be placed on the ballot beforehand. Our aim is to ensure that all parties involved are fully committed to the nomination process and are aware of the responsibilities that come with the position.

As a candidate, you have the option to submit a statement of no more than one side of an 8 1/2″ X 11″ sheet of paper. This statement may also include a photograph and will be copied and mailed with the ballots to the membership exactly as submitted. Please note that regardless of whether or not you submit a statement, your completed application will not be mailed with the ballots.

You will receive a confirmation notice of receipt of registration and another when your candidate eligibility has been verified. It is your responsibility as a candidate to ensure that your candidate registration form is received by California HOA Elections by the deadline date. If you do not receive confirmation, we did not receive your registration.

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 Acceptance of Nomination:


I confirm that I have carefully reviewed the candidate eligibility criteria of the association, and based on my understanding, I am eligible to apply. Additionally, I have also thoroughly examined the responsibilities and prerequisites of being a board member, and I am ready to fulfill those obligations to the best of my capabilities if I am elected.

Clear Signature