Announce the election results

When announcing the Homeowners’ Association (HOA) election results, it’s important to provide clear and concise information to the members. Here’s one of our suggested format for announcing the HOA election results:

Subject: HOA Election Results Announcement

Dear [HOA Members],

We are delighted to announce the results of the recent Homeowners’ Association (HOA) election. The election was conducted in accordance with our governing documents, and we appreciate the active participation of all members.

Position: [Specify the position]

  • Candidate A: [Number of votes received]
    Candidate B: [Number of votes received]
    Candidate C: [Number of votes received]

Position: [Specify the position]

  • Candidate X: [Number of votes received]
    Candidate Y: [Number of votes received]
    Candidate Z: [Number of votes received]

Position: [Specify the position]

  • Candidate P: [Number of votes received]
    Candidate Q: [Number of votes received]
    Candidate R: [Number of votes received]


Please note that the candidates with the highest number of votes for each position have been declared the winners. We extend our congratulations to the successful candidates!

The election results have been certified by the [HOA Board of Directors/Election Committee] during a meeting held on [Date]. The certification process ensured a fair and transparent election.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the candidates who stood for election. Your dedication to our community is commendable, and we appreciate your willingness to serve.

We encourage all members to extend their support and cooperation to the newly elected individuals as they assume their positions. Together, we can work towards the betterment of our community.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact us at [Contact Information].

Thank you for your participation in the HOA election process, and we look forward to your continued involvement in shaping our community.


[Your Name]


[HOA Name]

[Contact Information]

We customize the announcement by including specific details such as the positions, candidates’ names, and vote counts. We ensure that the announcement is distributed through appropriate channels, such as email, newsletters, or the HOA’s website, to reach all members effectively.