Tabulate the votes

Here’s an example of how we tabulate the votes for each position in a Homeowners’ Association (HOA) election:

Candidate Number of Votes
Candidate A [Number]
Candidate B [Number]
Candidate C [Number]

Candidate Number of Votes
Candidate X [Number]
Candidate Y [Number]
Candidate Z [Number]

Candidate Number of Votes
Candidate P [Number]
Candidate Q [Number]
Candidate R [Number]

We replace “[Number]” with the actual vote counts received by each candidate in the respective positions. We will make sure to include the names of the candidates and present the information in a clear and organized manner for easy readability.

We will create a table like this in a word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, or in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.